Chakra Meditation

chakra meditation

Energy Centres

Chakra meditation is a profound and ancient practice deeply rooted in the traditions of Eastern spirituality, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Watch a twenty minute guided Chakra Meditation

This practice involves focusing on the seven main energy centers, or chakras, that are thought to be situated along the spine of the human body.

Each chakra is believed to correspond to different aspects of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The word “chakra” itself, derived from Sanskrit, means “wheel” or “circle,” signifying the dynamic nature of these energy centers which are imagined as spinning wheels of energy.

In chakra meditation, the goal is to balance these energy centers, promoting harmony between the body, mind, and spirit.

This holistic approach to meditation is not just about achieving a state of relaxation or stress relief, but it’s also about tapping into deeper levels of consciousness and self-awareness.

The chakras are associated with the link between “Everything”  sometimes called Consciouss awareness and the individual human being.

The crown is associated with the direct link with the eternal one ness and the root chakra is the link to a fully human experience.

People with  under developed higher and over developed lower chakras usually do  not have any interest in spiritual matters.

Some people have over developed higher and under developed lower chakras and they are sometimes referred to as un grounded and may have difficulty relating to everyday matters and life.

It is a mistake to think that the higher chakras are superior to the lower chakras as they all must be open to be a fully developed and rounded human being .

It could be argued that in his younger days Ramana Maharshi had over developed the Higher in comaprison to the lower chakras.

He was known to meditate for many days whilst insects and vermin festered on his body.  He was in a such a state of self neglect that he had to be  nurtured back to full phyiscal health when he was discovered by devoted disciples.

As he aged he develped into a fully rounded being and did not neglect his body at the expense of his spiritual needs.

heart chakra meditation

Seven Chakras

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Located at the base of the spine, it represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. It’s associated with survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Located in the lower abdomen, it’s related to our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. It governs our sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area, this chakra is our source of personal power. It’s linked to self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Located in the center of the chest just above the heart, the Heart chakra represents our ability to love and connect to others. It governs love, joy, and inner peace.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Located at the throat, it’s linked to our ability to communicate verbally. It governs communication, self-expression of feelings, and the truth.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Located on the forehead between the eyes, this is our center of intuition. It’s associated with imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Located at the very top of the head, it’s our connection to the divine and higher states of consciousness. This chakra governs inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, and pure bliss.

crown chakra meditatioin

Location of Glands

The chakras are often associated with specific glands within the human body.

This connection highlights a fascinating intersection between spiritual and physiological wellness, reflecting the holistic nature of human health.

While the chakras are primarily energy centers in Eastern traditions, this association with physical glands ties these spiritual concepts to tangible aspects of the body.

This association of chakras with physical glands integrates the metaphysical and physical aspects of wellness, suggesting that our spiritual health and physical well-being are deeply intertwined.

Practices like yoga and meditation, which are often employed to balance the chakras, can be seen in this light as holistic tools for maintaining both mental and physical health.

While these connections are more symbolic and spiritual rather than scientific, they offer a unique lens through which to view the human body and its complex interplay of energy, spirit, and physicality.

Root Chakra

Linked to the Adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline and cortisol, vital for stress response and metabolism.

Sacral Chakra

Associated with the Gonads (ovaries in women and testes in men), which are responsible for the production of sex hormones and reproductive functions.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Corresponds to the Pancreas, involved in digestion and blood sugar regulation.

Heart Chakra

Connected to the Thymus gland, which plays a role in the immune system and the development of T-cells.

Throat Chakra

Linked to the Thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism, energy, and growth and development.

Third Eye Chakra

Often associated with the Pituitary gland, a master gland that controls other endocrine glands and regulates various body functions.

Crown Chakra

Sometimes related to the Pineal gland, which produces melatonin and regulates sleep patterns and seasonal functions.

the throat chakra is the centre for communication

Colours and Personality Traits

Each chakra governs specific aspects of our personality and behavior.
They are also associalted with specific colours and frequencies which increases from teh root to the crown
By understanding and working towards balancing these chakras, individuals can potentially cultivate a more harmonized and well-rounded personality, contributing to overall mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Root Chakra, Colour Red

Associated Traits

Grounded, secure, stable, energetic.


Fearfulness, insecurity, feeling ungrounded.

Balanced StateFeelings of security, stability, and full of life.

Sacral Chakra, Colour Orange 

Associated Traits

Creative, passionate, sexually healthy, emotionally open.


Creative blocks, emotional instability, fear of pleasure.

Balanced State

Healthy emotional and creative expression.

Solar Plexus Chakra, Colour Yellow 

Associated Traits

Confident, in control, self-motivated.

Imbalances: Aggressiveness, low self-esteem, feeling powerless.

Balanced State

Self-respect, empowerment, and strong will.

Heart Chakra , Colour Green

Associated Traits: Loving, compassionate, empathetic, hopeful.


Jealousy, bitterness, fear of betrayal.

Balanced State

Ability to give and receive love, feel compassion.

Throat Chakra 

Associated Traits

Good communicator, truthful, expressive.


Lies, fear of speaking, being misunderstood.

Balanced State

Clear communication, artistic expression.

Third Eye Chakra

Associated Traits

Intuitive, clear-minded, insightful, imaginative.


Lack of direction, confusion, closed-mindedness.

Balanced State: Strong intuition, a sense of purpose, and open-mindedness.

Crown Chakra 

Associated Traits

Spiritually connected, wise, insightful, understanding.


Spiritual cynicism, disconnection, over-intellectualization.

Balanced State

Spiritual enlightenment, universal love, and wisdom.



Guided Chakra Meditation

Sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Relax your body with each exhale.

Spend a few minutes to relax just focussing on your breath and forgetting the days issues for the duration of the meditation.

Move your attention to the base of your spine and sense a pulsing sensation. Try and visualize a pulsing red light and as you breath in imagine the breath is entering and leaving at this location 

Spend at least five minutes just concentrating on the base of your spine, imagining the red glow and pulsing sensation.

Now move your attention to your spine at the flat of your lower back. Feel a pulsing sensation and picture a warm orange ligh. As you breath in imagine the breath is entering and leaving at this location.

Spend at least five minutes just concentrating on the flat of your back, imagining the orange  glow and the pulsing sensation at the fat of your lower back.

No move your  your focus to your spine at the the stomach area, imagining a pulsing sensation and bright yellow light. As you breath in imagine the breath is entering and leaving at this location.

Spend at least five minutes just concentrating on your spine at  the stomach area imagining the yellow glow and the pulsing sensation .

Now move your attention to your spine opposite the heart.  Imagine a green light, and a pulsing sensation. This is the area associated with giving and receiving love. 

Breath into and out of the heart and spend at least five minutes luxuriating in the loving feeling at this chakra.

No move your attention to the neck at the throat and visualize a blue light and notice the pulsing sensation. This is the area associated with all aspects of communication .

Breath into and out of the throat and spend at least five minutes at this location 

Now move up your body and bring your awareness to your forehead, visualizing an indigo light.

Feel the vast open ness, the expansive feeling and the subtle vibration.

This is the centre for intuition and insight.

Breath into and out of the forhead and spend at least five minutes here.

Now move to the Crown of your head and notice the limitless expansion. Picture the fast vibrating violet light. Spend a few minutes or longer if you wish here. 

Spend a few minutes coming back into your body before coming out of the meditation.

There is no Need to travel anywhere. Journey within.

There is no Need to travel anywhere. Journey within.

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